Thursday, July 8, 2010

I Saw God Tonight

God is evident in so many places in this world if only people would look around. Ever noticed a sunset, the intricacy of a flowers petals, or the majesty of the mountains? Personally I feel that God's power is most noticeable in the face of a sleeping baby. I am currently wide awake sitting on my couch. (Note to self 10:30 pm naps make for long nights.)

Anyway my daughter is sleeping away in her bouncy seat (turned off) and I keep finding myself staring at her beautiful face. She's so peaceful and innocent. It's absolutely mind boggling to me that she was crafted together inside of me. But that's God power for you. Everything about her, from her long eyelashes to her tiny toes, was planned by our Father and wonderfully designed. Now it's my job as her mother to teach her about the God that cares so much for her. To help her build a relationship with the God that loves her so much He sent his Son. It's my duty to help her understand the magnitude of His love and grace. The God that made her and gave her a loving family is the God that will never let her down and will always be there for her. 

I am so thankful that He chose me to be her mother and Ryan to be her father. We will do our very best to carry out the job that God entrusted us with when he gave us the precious girl. I know that with the love we have for her and the love He has for her, this little baby is destined to do amazing things in life.

Here's a song I love, for those that have never heard it. 
I Saw God Today - George Strait

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