Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day

Let me start off by saying that I had a wonderful day yesterday! My family spoiled me and my husband was fantastic. He not only took care of Sarah for the entire day (which isn't unusual on the weekends), but he did dishes, cleaned up, got me a great gift, and helped make dinner! Yes, I was truly pampered yesterday. The only thing that was required of me was showing up.

Last year, Sarah was just barely over a month old and I was still in the "survival" mode that most new moms are in. I didn't really feel like I had earned the title of Mommy yet and that there wasn't a reason for everyone to be celebrating me. But this year, I feel like I earned my day. I truly feel like I have come into my own as a mother and learned so much in the past 13 months.

Now I know the difference between a fake and a real cry and I'm learning how to handle it when Sarah gets a bloody lip from falling. Those are just a couple of things the last year has taught me. But it also taught me how to be more loving and patient. I don't always succeed, because a cranky baby can make a cranky mama. I work hard everyday at being the best I can be for my family because a mother's role is to love. Honestly, who I am is totally different from who I was before Sarah's birth. And I think that's a good thing. I feel so much more compassion and love towards those around me now that Sarah is here.

With a second little one on the way, I can only imagine that those feelings and life lessons are going to multiply! I'm ready for it. (Maybe not all the sleepless nights again, but the squishy new baby...) I am so glad that God chose me to be in the family I am in and gave me the gifts of my husband, daughter, and soon to be son.

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