Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sunday Slowdown!

This holiday week/weekend can't came fast enough. Ryan only has to work Monday and Tuesday of this week and then he's home for the next several days, which means EXTRA hands at home with the kids! I'm going to be honest, this weekend and last weekend have just been horribly busy! Like run around like a chicken with your head cut off, crazy! We had baby showers, family in town, fevers/flu,(that was last weekend, two baby showers in one weekend when you're feeling sub par was brutal!) planning meetings for MOPS, a fundraiser for my dad's campaign, baking, and another MOPS meeting.

Instead of feeling refueled and recharged at the end of the weekend, I've been feeling drained and just beat! That in turn has made me short with the kids and grumpy with Ryan. I am ready to just have a few days where nothing big is expected of me and I can have some time to just enjoy my little family and maybe have family nap time too! So here's to a good holiday and some good time to relax. Or maybe I'll decide to go Black Friday shopping instead ....

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